based on everything we encountered / loved / seen / lived through in our lives
Casual Passers-by
in National Gallery
based on everything we encountered/loved/seen/lived through in our lives
National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina had to close its doors for public. Exhibition in 9 rooms in different colours was locked inside. Audience is locked outside. If you could look through keyhole what would you see? How does locked exhibit lives? What would it say if it could talk? What argument would every of these 9 colours use?
Group of young theatre artists from Sarajevo occupied space inside the exhibition putting in it series of short performances answering these questions in need to accent destiny of National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina, that could become destiny of all Bosnian and Herzegovinian artists.
Casual Passers-by are group of artists and art lovers and connoisseurs of art who gathered to fight for freedom of arts and right of every person to practice and enjoy arts. Group is not counting its members and is happy to welcome everybody who believes in fighting for better future.