Saturday, 28. 6. 2014 – A joint exhibition project by the Cities of Vienna, Sarajevo and Brno.
Keep andpreserveit!
withyouit will arise. (The Artists, Friedrich von Schiller)
In 2014 Europe commemorates a numberofsignificanthistoricalevents: a centuryhaspassedsincetheoutbreakof World War I; 100 yearsago Europe mournedthedeathof Bertha von Suttner, thefirstwomanevertowinthe Nobel PeacePrize; World War II broke out 75 yearsago, and 25 yearsagothe Berlin Wall finallyfell. The generationofwitnesses, victimsandperpetratorsisdisappearing, andonedaythere will benooneleftwhocan (orcould) tellthestoryofthe war years in Europe, when human dignity was closertofalteringthaneverbefore. Today theideaof a war ragingacross Europe seemsutterlyunrealistictomostofthecontinent’spopulation.
But isit, in fact? Whataretheeverydaysignsindicating a lossof human dignity? Whichstrategiescanweusetoprotectdignity, a centralhumanitarianprinciple, frombeinginstrumentalisedandcommercialised? A jointexhibitionprojectbythecitiesof Vienna, Sarajevo and Brno tales an artisticapproachtotheundermininganddismantlingoftheveryframeworkconditionsconsidered indispensable for “dignity” in connectionwith human lifeforms.
Participating artists:
Gordana Anđelić-Galić, Maja Bajevič, Tanja Boukal, Margarete Cech-Munteanu, Vendula Chalánková, Ramesch Daha, Christian Eisenberger, Manfred Erjautz, Matthias Herrmann, Lore Heuermann, Dagmar Hochová, Jochen Höller, Barbara Holub, Anna Jermolaewa, Johanna Kandl, Erfan Khalifa, Armin Klein, Marius Kotrba, Eva Koťátková, Antonín Kratochvil, Olga Alia Krulišova /Jana Morkovska, Marc Mer, Michail Michailov, Mladen Miljanović, Barbara Musil, Gregor Neuerer, Damir Nikšić, Edin Numankadić, Drago Persić, Jiři Petrbok, Pode Bal, Lisl Ponger, Arnold Reinthaler, Gue Schmidt, Deborah Sengl, Milomir Kovačević Strašni, Tsolak Topchyan, Borjana Ventzislavova, Miroslav Ničić, Mladen Penev, Corina Vetsch, Christian Wachter and Peter Weibel.