Biography of the artist
Jagoda Buić was born in Split. She attended the Academy of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb and Art History at the University of Zagreb. She graduated with honours at the Academie für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna. She studied set designing for movies at Cinecittà in Rome and History of Costume at Centre delle Arti e delle Costume at Palazzo Grassi in Venice. She has realized more than 120 projects as a costume and set designer for operas, ballets, dramas and movies in different countries. Her artistic approach to the theatre consists in the insistence on large spacial realizations with vanguard spirit, and the concern in myth and classical world. She wrote the ballet Apocalypse after St. John and the adaptation of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry. In 1965 she creates her first textile form in space, immediately bought by Stedelijk Museum of Amsterdam. Since than she has been showing her monumental installations in the international biennale exhibitions (São Paulo, Venice, Laussane) and in the most important museums of the world (Paris, Düsseldorf, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Bruxelles, Zürich, Tokio, Rome, Milan, Oslo, Barcelona, Montreal, Chicago, New York, Madrid, Vim, São Paulo, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Darmstadt, etc.). Her works may be found in many public and private art collections (Metropolitan Museum, New York, Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris, etc.). In the last couple of years she has exhibited in Rabat (a photographic perspective of Marocco), in Sarajevo in 2009 (an installation in Collegium Artisticum), in Zagreb – in HAZU Glyptotheque and the Museum of Arts and Crafts (Retrospective) in 2010. She was a visiting professor at the Royal College of Art in London, at the Cranbrook Academy of Art in Denver and at the Atlantic Center for the Arts in Florida. She has won numerous international and local awards. She lives and works in Dubrovnik, Venice and Paris.
1954 Vienna, Academy of Applied Arts, Prix d’Honneur, Outstanding Thesis Award
1961 Pola, Golden Arena Award for costume design, 8th Edition of the Film Festival
1962 Zagreb, City of Zagreb Award
1971 Zagreb, Vladimir Nazor Award
1975 Sao Paulo, Grand Prix Itamaraty, XIII Bienal di Sao Paulo
1976 Vienna, Herder Prize
1994 UNESCO Award
2013 Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art, Hangzhou, China
2014 Picasso Golden Medal, UNESCO
2015 Vladimir Nazor Lifetime Achievement Award
2015 Elle Style Awards – Lifetime Achievement Award