Todorović Mica
(Sarajevo, B&H, 1900 – Sarajevo, B&H, 1981)
She started studying in Zagreb in 1920. Mica studied in the Department for Painting, specializing in the class of Bela Čikoš and Ljubo Babić, graduating in 1926. After Zagreb, she continues her studies in Italy and this journey influenced her painting opus. Around 1932 she returns to Sarajevo where she actively participates in the cultural life of the city. During 1942 she was taken to a concentration camp in Stara Gradiška, and after that she was sent to Germany for forced labor. At the end of war she was living in Belgrade, after which she returns to Sarajevo where she stayed for the rest of her days.
Mica was one of the first professors in School of Applied Arts and one of the founders of ULUBIH. She exhibited her works in numerous solo and group exhibitions in B&H and abroad.
National Gallery of B&H purchased this Still Life in 1961 during one of the exhibitions of ULUBIH.