Exhibition of Works by Professors and Associates of the Academy of Fine Arts of University of Sarajevo
November 3 – December 21, 2022
National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The exhibition Starting Points – Exhibition of Works by Professors and Associates of the Academy of Fine Arts of University of Sarajevo will open on Thursday, November 3, 2022, at 7 p.m. in the National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
As the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo marks the 50th anniversary of its founding, the National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Academy, in the spirit of good practice and long-term cooperation, are organizing the exhibition Starting Points.
“The time of the establishment, development and formation of the integral four-year programme, which is presented by exhibits of this exhibition, at the time of tremendous flourishing of creations which reflected contemporary tendencies existing in former Yugoslavia and Europe, witnessed activities of teachers and associates, artists whose works had already been present and verifies by awards of juries at world biennales of contemporary art. At the same time, teachers and associates, painters, graphic artists, sculptors, graphic and product designers have been the backbone of creativity and artistic life of their environment and artistic scene of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” (excerpt from the text accompanying the exhibition by prof. dr. Ibrahim Krzović, author of the exhibition concept)
Organization: Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo and National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The author of the exhibition concept, Prof. dr. Ibrahim Krzović, emeritus
Curator of the exhibition: Ivana Udovičić
Design: Vanesa Prodanović Durmišević
Art and archival materials: National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo and private archives