Milomir Kovačević Strašni
Like a magic window, the photo exhibition entitled SEE – THE FRAME IS NOT A LIMIT opens a view into the lives of those whose world often remains hidden from the public eye. Photographer Milomir Kovačević Strašni takes us on a journey spanning over a decade, opening the doors into this concealed world, making us witnesses to their joys, challenges, and achievements. Through his photographs, persons with intellectual difficulties and mental health issues, beneficiaries of the Drin Institution for Social and Health Care in Fojnica, find their voices, and their stories become part of our collective experience. The inspiration for these images does not stem from chance but from numerous visits by the artist to the Drin Institution and his deep friendships with the beneficiaries.
Through their participation in this exhibition, the beneficiaries of the Drin Institution challenge us to observe them more profoundly, to move away from prejudices, and open our eyes to their uniqueness. They encourage us not to regard them as ‘others’ but rather to include them in our daily lives, to recognize their value and their contribution to our society.
May SEE – THE FRAME IS NOT A LIMIT be a call for reflection and change, a reminder that every gaze can be an opportunity for transformation, and frames should never limit our ability to see the true value in others.
Institute for Social and Health Care Drin in Fojnica is an institution of special public interest in the field of social protection. The Institute was founded back in 1955 and in 2008 the founding rights and obligations were taken over by the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Supervision over the professional work of the Institute is performed by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Federal Ministry of Justice, the Federal Ministry of Health, and the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, each within its jurisdiction.
The activities of the Institute include provision of social care and support services, as well as primary healthcare to persons with disabilities: persons with Intellectual and developmental disabilities, persons with mental and psycho-organic and persons with combined disabilities.
At the moment, the Institute accommodates 491 beneficiaries of different ages ─ from the age of one to the age of 91, from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina. The number and the complex structure of the residents we care about ranks our institution among the largest and most complex institution of this type in the country.
Today, the accommodation services with different levels of support are provided in a total of 24 housing units, in different locations, and with different numbers of beneficiaries. Given the large number of persons with some form of mental disability, as well as the demanding needs of working with this population, the number of units in the local community is growing from year to year, along with the need for new programs and new employees.
Services of the Institute include social care, psychosocial rehabilitation, and primary health support.
Psychosocial rehabilitation is implemented through: Professional, individual, and group rehabilitation treatments (social worker, special educator, speech therapist, psychologist, sociologist), as well as multidisciplinary programs; Occupational treatments and activities; Sports and recreational activities and Culture, entertainment and free activities refer to the creation of positive content for leisure time, through participation and attendance of culture and entertainment events.