This collection is inherited from the National Museum of B&H.  It mainly contains the works of bourgeois art and its main parts, which influenced significantly the development of modern art, are:

The archive of  “NADA”
This is education, entertainment and art magazine that had been issued in the period from 1895 to 1905.  In addition to its literary value, it contributed significantly to art of B&H.  Alongside the articles in the areas of culture and art, this magazine has also published drawings (mainly by foreign authors) depicting local themes, such as landscapes, folklore, and customs.  The most renowned authors whose works were published on the pages of “Nada” were: Ewald Arndt Čeplin (editor of the art section), Leo Arndt, Maximilian Liebenwein, Ludvig Kuba, Carl Liebscher, and Ivana Kobilca.  The Art Gallery of B&H has almost an entire artistic archive of “Nada” that consists of several hundreds of drawings and paintings.  It is almost impossible to speak about the beginnings of the modern art in B&H without mentioning the importance and influence of the artists whose works were published in “Nada”.

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