During the 2007/2008 school year, the Gallery has introduced, in the context of the permanent exhibition “Retrospectrum”, art workshops for pre-school and school aged children that have been carried out since. Up until today, approximately six hundredth school aged children from thirty three schools participated in our workshops, together with children from three kindergartens. The workshops were supported by the Ministry of Education of the Canton of Sarajevo.

A new round of children’s workshop has been planned for the school year 2009/2010.

While the Art Gallery of B&H does not currently have a dedicated museum pedagogic department, and due to the great interest expressed by children as well as their teachers and parents, the Gallery will start planning the establishment of such a department. It will be located in the Gallery’s courtyard area which may require some reconstruction works to be done in order to be able to accommodate an educational-entertainment centre for children and youth. (link to multimedia)